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Guess the National Park from the 1-star review

(13 votes)
9 questions
Can you match the park to the bad review it received?
48 random squares

"I came to ______ to see glaciers and they’re almost all gone. I still had to pay full price to get in though."

Glacier National Park

Great Basin National Park

Kings Canyon National Park

Olympic National Park

64% got this right

The park had 80 glaciers when it opened, but now only has 26.
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“It’s $25 to get in and it’s basically just a lot of sand. There are not a lot of amenities or other things to do."

Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve

North Cascades National Park

Redwood National and State Parks

Wrangell–St. Elias National Park and Preserve

73% got this right

Humans have inhabited this area for nearly 11,000 years.
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"Too many rocks, when I came here I was expecting entertainment but all I did was walk around and look in a big ditch."

Grand Canyon National Park

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

Mesa Verde National Park

Olympic National Park

61% got this right

Grand Canyon National Park is bigger than the entire state of Rhode Island.
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"We were led to believe that we would only see dead things. Instead, we saw a few birds...all clearly alive and well."

Death Valley National Park

Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Great Basin National Park

Great Smoky Mountains National Park

77% got this right

The world record, highest air temperature of 134°F (57°C) was recorded in Death Valley on July 10, 1913.
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"Same thing (e.g. geysers) everywhere. I got bored the second day I came here. Also, there is no wifi."

Yellowstone National Park

Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Kings Canyon National Park

Saguaro National Park

63% got this right

Yellowstone has over 10,000 hydrothermal sites and half the world's active geysers.
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"I thought the lands were pretty good. False advertising."

Badlands National Park

Glacier National Park

Kenai Fjords National Park

Sequoia National Park

67% got this right

The national park protects the largest intact mixed-grass prairie in the United States.
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"Was indeed Big but also HOT. They should call it Big HOT ____. 1 star."



Smoky Mountains


Hard  12% got this right

Big Bend National Park has the only mountain range contained entirely within a national park.
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"All the hikes are uphill, and you're practically climbing cliffs. I got soaked by several incredibly large waterfalls."

Yosemite National Park

Arches National Park

Bryce Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park

Hard  24% got this right

John Muir, a Scottish naturalist, writer, & advocate of forest conservation spearheaded the creation of the park.
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"No smoke. Utterly disappointing. You'd think that after a billion years they'd get the name right."

Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Hot Springs National Park

North Cascades National Park

Redwood National and State Parks

70% got this right

There is no entrance fee to this national park.