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Latin Phrases

(57 votes)
10 questions
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What does "carpe noctem" mean?

Seize the night

A big carpet

Eat all night

Slow as a Carp fish

69% got this right


What does "morituri te salutant" mean?

Those who are about to die salute you

Breakfast is ready

Catch the thief

Mr. Mori is here

68% got this right

A greeting from the gladiators to the Roman emperor.

What does "sub rosa" mean?

Under the rose

Her name is Rosa

Roses are red

Submarine warfare

66% got this right

Sub rosa denotes secrecy or confidentiality. The rose has an ancient history as a symbol of secrecy.
Iris reveal

What is the meaning of the phrase "ad hominem"?

To the person

Advertisements work

As they said

For her

50% got this right

It refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the other person rather than the substance of the argument.

What is the meaning of "carthago delenda est"?

Carthage must be destroyed

Beautiful as Carthage

Carthage is ours

Carthage will lose

38% got this right

Cato the Censor (234–149 BC) is associated with repeated use of this phrase, in or out of its proper context.

What is the meaning of the phrase "acta non verba"?

Deeds, not words



Start talking

69% got this right

The English equivalent of this phrase is "actions speak louder than words".
Iris reveal

What does "pro bono" mean?

For free

Best practice

Boiled beans

Broken bones

67% got this right


What does "veni, vidi, vici" mean?

I came; I saw; I conquered

Drink the wine

He is a fool

Who is coming?

Easy  91% got this right

Caesar used the phrase in a letter to the Roman Senate around 47 BC after he had achieved a quick victory in a short war

What is the meaning of "alea iacta est"?

The die is cast

Build the house

I need to hunt

Solid ground

54% got this right

This was said by Julius Caesar as he led his army across the Rubicon river in Northern Italy.

What is the best translation of the phrase "ad astra"?

To the stars

Come home

Read it slowly

We won

71% got this right

The phrase has origins with Virgil, who wrote in his Aeneid: "sic itur ad astra" ('thus one journeys to the stars').