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Find world capitals on a map

(184 votes)
6 questions

This capital city is home to the Eiffel Tower.

Easy  80% got this right

The Eiffel Tower was supposed to be a temporary installation after the 1889 World Fair.

Which city is the capital of Morocco?

45% got this right

Rabat is the country's seventh largest city.

In which capital city would you find the St. Alexander Nevski Cathedral?

Hard  9% got this right

St. Alexander Nevski in Sofia, Bulgaria is the largest Orthodox temple on the entire Balkan Peninsula.

Which capital city is home to the Pope?

66% got this right

Vatican City is a city-state surrounded by Rome, Italy.

South Africa has three capital cities. Which city is responsible for administrative functions?

Hard  22% got this right

The three capitals are: Pretoria- administrative, Cape Town- legislative, Bloemfontein- judicial

Where does the US president live?

73% got this right

The president lives in Washington DC during the presidency.