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Harry Potter quizz

(145 votes)
6 questions
Hey Potterheads i hope you enjoy my quiz

What's a "muggles/muggle-born"

Someone with a non wizarding parents

Someone who is dead

Someone with one wizarding parent

Someone with two wizarding parents

68% got this right

Muggles sometimes could be very sensitive to a wizarding world

Who are they?

They are the death eaters

They are our teachers

They are the Hogwarts students

They are the kind eaters

Easy  82% got this right

death eaters are the bad witches and wizards making a group with someone who's also wicked( they use the black magic)

This student got rewarded by the headmaster because he mastered _________?



Potion class


59% got this right

He used his ability to open the room where the sorcerer's stone was hidden, and he sacrificed himself to open it.

Hermione is known as_______?

"The brightest witch of her age"

"An ordinary witch "

"The mental witch"

"The silly witch"

75% got this right

Hermione was born as a muggle but that's not a barrier for her to be an extraordinary witch of her age

Someone who can speak a snake's language is known as______?

A Parseltounge

A Parsel-tounge

A Phytenumtounge

A Salazartounge

Hard  26% got this right

That night when you-know-who came to murder Harry's parents, he transferred his powers (but not intentionally)

What's Harry's full name?

Harry James Potter

Harry Fred Potter

Harry George Potter

Harry Jayne Potter

Easy  81% got this right

Harry's second name was taken from his father's first name ( James Potter)