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Find US Capitals on a Map

(53 votes)
6 questions

Which capital city is home to the World of Coca-Cola museum?

Hard  18% got this right

Coca-Cola was created by Atlanta pharmacist John Pemberton.

Which capital is known as the "mile high city"?

Hard  22% got this right

Denver isn't the capital with the highest elevation— Santa Fe and Cheyenne are higher.

Which capital city was named for a president after his assassination?

Hard  11% got this right

Lincoln, Nebraska was named after President Abraham Lincoln in 1867, only two years after he was assassinated.

Which capital city contains the only replica of the Greek Parthenon?

Hard  9% got this right

The Parthenon houses the tallest enclosed sculpture in the Western Hemisphere (Athena Parthenos).

Which is the only US capital city without a professional sports team?

Hard  4% got this right

Dallas, Houston and San Antonio are larger than Austin and have professional sports teams.

Which city is the capital of New York state?

Hard  26% got this right

The New York state capital was moved to Albany in 1797.