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How well do you know your mythical creatures?

(23 votes)
4 questions
Test you knowledge on magical creatures.
Random time-lapse

What is a satyr?

Half goat

Half bull

Half horse

… a type of dog?

Hard  27% got this right

Random time-lapse

What is a Pegasus?

A horse with wings

A horse with a single horn on its head

A horse with wings and a horn

A regular horse.

39% got this right

Reverse time-lapse

What is a griffin?

A lion bird mix

A lion goddess’s assistant

An Egyptian lion

An ancient scroll about a lion cub

55% got this right

Reverse time-lapse

Not really a mythical animal, but what is ether?

Mix of all elements/the universe

A Greek goddess

A magical plant

A weird sort of hairless cat

Hard  29% got this right