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Where was this filmed?

(103 votes)
6 questions

Where is this Walk of Fame located?

56% got this right

The Hollywood Walk of Fame is located in Los Angeles, California.

In which Italian city was this video filmed?

40% got this right

The Leaning Tower in Pisa is a Word Heritage Site.

Where is this busy pedestrian crossing located?

70% got this right

One of the busiest pedestrian crossings globally, over 2.4 million people cross Shibuya every day.

Each year, millions of tourists attempt to recreate the iconic Beatles album cover. Where is this crosswalk?

51% got this right

Abbey Road is the Beatles' eleventh studio album

Where are these bikes being pulled out of the water?

62% got this right

Each year, 12,000 and 15,000 bicycles are pulled out of Amsterdam canals.

In which Australian city was this video filmed?

73% got this right

233 designs were submitted for the Opera House international design competition held in 1956.