Play Quizzes with your friends, have fun in leaning these knowledgeable facts. You can also test your knowledge on a variety of subjects, including geography, history, science, and more!
The Chalcolithic marked the transition from stone tools to metal ones, with copper being the first metal used.
48 random squares
Rearrange these words to form a correct sentence
Very Sweet
62% got this right
Apples contain natural sugars, making them a tasty and healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Where is Angel Falls, the world's largest waterfall, located?
5% got this right
The waterfall has been known as Angel Falls since the mid-20th century; they are named after Jimmie Angel, a U.S. aviato
48 random squares
What is the speed of light in miles/sec?
0 —
— 250000
4% got this right
Light travels at 299,792,458 meters per second (186,000 miles/sec), making it the fastest in the universe.
Locate a ladder
42% got this right
The water cycle began about 3.8 billion years ago, when the oceans formed as a result of rain falling on a cooling earth
Blur reveal
Name a kind of Deer's name starting with A, E, D, R, W, M or S
Alces Deer
Dama Deer
Elk Deer
Moose Deer
Mule Deer
Red Deer
Reindeer Deer
Roe Deer
Sambar Deer
Sika Deer
White-Tailed Deer
54% got this right
Deer can grow up to 6 feet. They are very good swimmers. They are known for being friendly, calm, gentle, and docile
12 random squares
Hi everyone, it's Scary Bunny. I made this Quiz and I got soo many reviews. Thank you so much for supporting me. I will definitely create more Quizzes like this or maybe I can create one on a different topic. Scary Bunny out.