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South Park

(84 votes)
8 questions
Test your knowledge about the popular animated TV show South Park, its characters, and memorable moments.
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Who is the main character with a blue hat?

Stan Marsh

Eric Cartman

Kenny McCormick

Kyle Broflovski

50% got this right

Stan is based on the show's co-creator Trey Parker.
48 random squares

Which character is known for dying in almost every episode?

Kenny McCormick

Eric Cartman

Kyle Broflovski

Stan Marsh

78% got this right

Kenny's deaths became a running gag in the show.
48 random squares

Who is the overweight, manipulative character?

Eric Cartman

Kenny McCormick

Kyle Broflovski

Stan Marsh

Easy  87% got this right

Cartman's full name is Eric Theodore Cartman.
AI Generated

In which US state is the fictional town of South Park located?

39% got this right

The show was written by Trey Parker and Matt Stone – both former students of University of Colorado, Boulder.
48 random squares

Which character wears a green hat and is a member of the only Jewish family in South Park?

Kyle Broflovski

Eric Cartman

Kenny McCormick

Stan Marsh

77% got this right

Kyle's character is based on the show's co-creator Matt Stone.
48 random squares

Who is the school counselor at South Park Elementary?

Mr. Mackey


Ms. Streibel

Principal Victoria

67% got this right

Mr. Mackey is known for saying 'M'kay' after sentences.

What is the name of the school cafeteria worker, often referred to as Chef, who gives advice to the boys?

Jerome McElroy

Mr. Mackey

Ms. Streibel

Ms. Victoria

76% got this right

Chef's full name is Jerome McElroy.

Which band did South Park creators hire to perform the show's theme song?





Hard  31% got this right

Primus is an American rock band led by Les Claypool.