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Logo Quiz 2024
(1118 votes)
15 questions

12 random squares
What is this logo for?
Which is the Spotify logo?
88% got this right

12 random squares
What is this logo for?
93% got this right
Which is the correct logo?
Which is the most recent Pepsi logo?

12 random squares
What is the name of the brand that has this logo?
Which is the Duolingo logo?

12 random squares
What is this logo for?

12 random squares
What is the name of the brand that has this logo?
90% got this right
Which is the correct logo?

48 random squares
Which F1 team has wings on its logo?
How much was Carolyn Davidson paid for designing the Nike logo?
27% got this right

12 random squares
What is the name of the brand that has this logo?
32% got this right
Which is the Google logo?
92% got this right
How many logos has McDonalds had?