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Guess the Historical Hotspot

(61 votes)
9 questions
Test your knowledge of history's most pivotal locations! From ancient battles to modern-day revolutions, this quiz will challenge you to pinpoint the cities where world-changing events took place.

In which city was the American Declaration of Independence signed?

Hard  10% got this right

It was signed in Independence Hall in Philadelphia, a historic building that's now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Where did the French Revolution begin?

47% got this right

The Revolution began with the storming of the Bastille prison in Paris on July 14, 1789.

In which city was the Treaty of Versailles signed, officially ending World War I?

Paris, France

Berlin, Germany

London, England

Vienna, Austria

40% got this right

On June 28, 1919, the Treaty of Versailles was signed at the Palace of Versailles outside Paris, France.

Where was the Battle of Waterloo fought?

Hard  15% got this right

It was a decisive victory for the Duke of Wellington and his allies, leading to the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Where did the Spanish Inquisition take place?




Easy  96% got this right

The Inquisition took place all across Spain and in all Spanish colonies and territories.

In which city was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which sparked World War I, carried out?

Hard  12% got this right

The assassination was carried out by a Serbian nationalist named Gavrilo Princip.

Where did the American Civil War begin?

Hard  5% got this right

At 4:30 a.m. on April 12, 1861, Confederate troops fired on Fort Sumter in South Carolina's Charleston Harbor.

Where did the Protestant Reformation begin?

Wittenberg, Germany

Geneva, Switzerland

Paris, France

Rome, Italy

Hard  31% got this right

The Reformation was initiated by Martin Luther, a German monk who nailed 95 Theses to the door of Wittenberg Cathedral.

Where was the Battle of Thermopylae fought?

45% got this right

A small Greek force led by King Leonidas in Sparta, Greece, fought to the death to delay the Persian invasion.