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The Ultimate Wheel of Time Quiz

(31 votes)
8 questions

What is the name of the prophesied hero destined to face the Dark One in the Wheel of Time series?

The Dragon Reborn

The Aes Sedai

The Amyrlin Seat

The Warder

43% got this right

The Dragon Reborn is a fantasy novel by American writer Robert Jordan, the third in his series The Wheel of Time.

What is the function of Sa'angreal?

Channels the One Power for a specific purpose

A tool or object that can be used with or without the One Power

Amplifies the One Power

No specific function

38% got this right

Sa'angreal were made to multiply exponentially the amount of the Power upon which the channeler may draw.

What is the name of the powerful organization of female channellers who can wield saidar?

The Aes Sedai

The Kin

The Sisters

The Wise Ones

Hard  17% got this right

The female half, saidar, can only be wielded by women and the male half, saidin, can only be wielded by men.

What is the name of the city that serves as the headquarters for the Aes Sedai?

Tar Valon


Fal Dara


38% got this right

Their organization is headquartered in the White Tower in the city of Tar Valon.
48 random squares

Which powerful male channeler is a champion of Light tainted by a force that drives men mad?

Rand al'Thor



Lews Therin Telamon

Hard  23% got this right

Rand al'Thor is the Dragon Reborn, the champion of the Light in the battle against the Dark One.

What are the monstrous, twisted creatures often used as soldiers by the Dark One's forces?





Hard  29% got this right

Trollocs have the body of a man and the head and feet of an animal such as a bear, bird, wolf, or goat.

Which is NOT a book in the Wheel of Time series?

The Dragon's Death

Knife of Dreams

Lord of Chaos

New Spring

Hard  27% got this right

Originally planned as a six-book series, there are 14 books in the series.

Who wrote the Wheel of Time series?

Robert Jordan

George R. R. Martin

JK Rowling

JRR Tolken

37% got this right

Jordan died in 2007 while working on what was planned to be the twelfth and final volume in the series.