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Who Said It: How I Met Your Mother Edition

(89 votes)
7 questions

"When you love someone you just, don't stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy."

Ted Mosby

Lily Aldrin

Marshall Eriksen

Tracy McConnell

50% got this right

Ted Mosby said this in Season 9, "Sunrise."

“Whenever I’m sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead.”

Barney Stinson

Marshall Eriksen

Robin Scherbatsky

Zoey Pierson

76% got this right

Barney Stinson said this in Season 2: The Scorpion and the Toad.

“In marriage, being right is less important than being supportive. Remember: Happy wife equals happy life.”

Lily Aldrin

Marshall Eriksen

Ted Mosby

The Captain

Hard  21% got this right


Which two characters have a running joke including "Major Buzzkill" and "Colonel Stuck in my Teeth"?

Robin and Ted

Lily and Marshall

Lily and Ted

Robin and Barney

48% got this right

The running gag was first introduced in Slapsgiving.

"Because later we're gonna eat turkey... And then I'm gonna slap you in your face."

Marshall Eriksen

Barney Stinson

Lily Aldrin

Robin Scherbatsky

56% got this right

Marshall delivers the third slap to Barney when the count down timer on runs up.

"Nobody asked you, Patrice!"

Robin Scherbatsky

Lily Aldrin

Quinn Garvey

Ted Mosby

58% got this right

Patrice likes Robin a lot, but Robin hates Patrice because of her kind, warm personality.

“It's gonna be legen-wait for it, and I hope you're not lactose-intolerant 'cause the second half of that word is—dairy"

Barney Stinson

Marshall Eriksen

Sandy Rivers

Ted Mosby

76% got this right