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(42 votes)
13 questions
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Who directed the so called "Dollars Trilogy"?

Sergio Leone

Francis Ford Coppola

Martin Scorsese

Sergio Corbucci

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Sergio Leone is widely regarded as one of the most influential directors in the history of cinema.

Who directed western comedy "Blazing Saddles"?

Mel Brooks

Ernst Lubitsch

Harold Ramis

Robert Zemeckis

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Mel Brooks also plays Governor Lepetomane in the movie.

Who composed the music for "A Fistful of Dollars" and many other westerns?

Ennio Morricone

Angelo Badalamenti

Henry Mancini

Nino Rota

Morricones filmography includes more than 70 award-winning films.
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What western movie character has given name to a film festival?

Sundance Kid

Butch Cassidy

Hopalong Cassidy

Lone Ranger

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The Sundance Film Festival takes place each January in Park City, Utah.
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Who directed "Stagecoach", "The Searchers" and many other westerns?

John Ford

Clint Eastwood

Howard Hawks

Sam Peckinpah

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In a career of more than 50 years, Ford directed more than 140 films.

What term was coined for western movies produced in Italy?





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The term was used by foreign critics because most of these Westerns were produced and directed by Italians.

What director's movie was the blueprint for "The Magnificent Seven"?

Akira Kurosawa

Fritz Lang

Orson Welles

Sergei Eisenstein

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Kurosawa's "Seven Samurai" was released in the US initially as "The Magnificent Seven".
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Who starred in "Red River, "Stagecoach", "The Searchers" and many other westerns?

John Wayne

Gary Cooper

Henry Fonda

James Stewart

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John Wayne became a popular icon through his starring roles in films made during Hollywood's Golden Age.
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Who played the so called "Man with No Name" in the Dollars trilogy?

Clint Eastwood

Charles Bronson

Lee van Cleef

Steve McQueen

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Clint Eastwood rose to international fame with this role.

In what TV-show is Marshal Matt Dillon the central character?




The High Chaparral

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Gunsmoke centers on Dodge City, Kansas, in the 1870s, during the settlement of the American West.
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Who directed and starred in "One-Eyed Jacks"?

Marlon Brando

Clint Eastwood

John Wayne

Orson Welles

Hard  19% got this right

One-Eyed Jacks is the only movie directed by Marlon Brando.

Which words are not part of the original title of "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"?

Il ridondante

Il brutto

Il buono

Il cattivo

Hard  31% got this right


Around what family does the "Bonanza" TV-series revolve?

The Cartwrights

The Daltons

The Ingalls

The Macahans

44% got this right

The title "Bonanza" is a term used by miners in regard to a large vein or deposit of silver ore.