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Merry Christmas in Many Languages

(82 votes)
8 questions
AI Generated
Test your knowledge on how to say 'Merry Christmas' in various languages.
48 random squares

How do you say 'Merry Christmas' in Spanish?

Feliz Navidad

Buon Natale

Frohe Weihnachten

Joyeux Noël

65% got this right

In Spanish-speaking countries, 'Feliz Navidad' is the common greeting.
48 random squares

What is the French phrase for 'Merry Christmas'?

Joyeux Noël

Buon Natale

Feliz Navidad

Frohe Weihnachten

46% got this right

In France, 'Joyeux Noël' is used to wish a Merry Christmas.
48 random squares

How do you say 'Merry Christmas' in German?

Frohe Weihnachten

Buon Natale

Feliz Navidad

Joyeux Noël

77% got this right

Germans greet each other with 'Frohe Weihnachten' during Christmas.
48 random squares

What is the Italian way to say 'Merry Christmas'?

Buon Natale

Feliz Navidad

Frohe Weihnachten

Joyeux Noël

Easy  89% got this right

In Italy, 'Buon Natale' is the traditional Christmas greeting.
48 random squares

How do you say 'Merry Christmas' in Portuguese?

Feliz Natal

Feliz Navidad

Frohe Weihnachten

Joyeux Noël

67% got this right

Portuguese speakers use 'Feliz Natal' to wish a Merry Christmas.
48 random squares
AI Generated

What is the Japanese phrase for 'Merry Christmas'?

Merī Kurisumasu

Feliz Navidad

Frohe Weihnachten

Joyeux Noël

Easy  88% got this right

In Japan, 'メリークリスマス' is used, pronounced as 'Merī Kurisumasu'.
48 random squares

How do you say 'Merry Christmas' in Dutch?

Vrolijk Kerstfeest

Feliz Navidad

Frohe Weihnachten

Joyeux Noël

78% got this right

The Dutch say 'Vrolijk Kerstfeest' to wish a Merry Christmas.
48 random squares

What is the Swedish way to say 'Merry Christmas'?

God Jul

Feliz Navidad

Frohe Weihnachten

Joyeux Noël

Easy  86% got this right

In Sweden, 'God Jul' is the traditional Christmas greeting.