(444 votes)
11 questions
6 min duration
by TranDuc

48 random squares
Which of the following is not a wild animals ?
91% got this right

12 random squares
Which animal is the largest land mammal ?

Zoom reveal
What animal is pictured here ?
What is the name of this animal ?
Which of these animals are among Africa's Big Five ?
95% got this right
Where do rhino mainly live ?
Rank these animals according to their maximum speed, staring with the fastest.
92% got this right
Ranking these animals according to their maximum bite force, starting with the largest
91% got this right

12 random squares
What is the name of this animal ?

12 random squares
What is the largest mammal in the world ?
What is the maximum speed a needle-tailed swift can reach?
32% got this right