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(15 votes)
10 questions

Where are two-thirds of an octopus’s neurons located?

In its arms

In its brain

In its head

In its tentacles

Hard  20% got this right

Octopuses have a unique nervous system with most neurons in their arms.
48 random squares

How many hearts does an octopus have?





51% got this right

Octopuses have three hearts: two pump blood to the gills, and one to the rest of the body.

What happens to male octopuses after mating?

They can live for a maximum of a few months

They immediately die

They live for several years

They migrate to another location

Hard  30% got this right

Male octopuses typically die a few months after mating.
Iris reveal

How quickly can octopuses change their skin color and texture?

Under a second

One hour

Several minutes

They cannot change color

49% got this right

Octopuses can change their appearance in less than a second to blend in with their surroundings.
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What do female octopuses do after laying eggs?

They protect them until they hatch

They abandon them

They eat them

They lay more eggs

44% got this right

Female octopuses guard their eggs until they hatch, often not eating during this period, then dies.
Zoom reveal

Octopuses have been observed using what as a mobile home?

Coconut shells

Coral reefs


Underwater caves

Hard  23% got this right

Octopuses have been seen using coconut shells as portable shelters.

Where in Australia is Octlantis, the octopus city discovered by scientists?

Hard  1% got this right

Scientists discovered an underwater city of octopuses in Jervis Bay and named it Octlantis.
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What defensive trick can an octopus perform when under attack?

Detach an arm

Hide behind rocks

Play dead

Swim very fast

42% got this right

Octopuses can detach an arm to escape predators.

What is unique about an octopus’s regrown limb?

It’s as good as new

It’s a different color

It’s inferior to the original

It’s longer than the original

Hard  34% got this right

An octopus's regrown limb is just as functional as the original.
Iris reveal

Which octopus is known to be deadly due to its venom?

Blue-ringed octopus

Dumbo octopus

Giant Pacific octopus

Mimic octopus

69% got this right

The blue-ringed octopus is highly venomous and can be deadly to humans.