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Bearded Dragon

(7 votes)
10 questions
12 sequential squares

What is the scientific name for the bearded dragon?

Pogona vitticeps

Chamaeleo calyptratus

Eublepharis macularius

Iguana iguana

Hard  14% got this right

The scientific name for the bearded dragon is Pogona vitticeps.

Where are bearded dragons originally from?

Hard  18% got this right

Bearded dragons are native to Australia.
12 random squares

Why are they called bearded dragons?

Because they have a 'beard' of spiky skin under their throat

Because they have a beard of fur

Because they have long whiskers

Because they live in caves

61% got this right

Bearded dragons have a 'beard' of spiky skin under their throat.

What do bearded dragons primarily eat?

Insects and plants

Only insects

Only plants

Small mammals

56% got this right

Bearded dragons are omnivores, eating both insects and plants.

How do bearded dragons regulate their body temperature?

By moving to different temperatures in their environment

By drinking cold water

By panting

By sweating

71% got this right

Bearded dragons regulate their body temperature by moving to different temperatures in their environment.
Zoom reveal

What unique behavior do bearded dragons display when feeling threatened?

Puffing up their 'beard' and turning it black


Playing dead

Running away on two legs

69% got this right

When threatened, bearded dragons puff up their 'beard' and turn it black.

How long can bearded dragons live in captivity with proper care?


70% got this right

With proper care, bearded dragons can live 10-15 years in captivity.
Iris reveal

What is a common sign that a bearded dragon is happy and healthy?

Bright eyes and active behavior

Aggressive behavior

Constantly sleeping

Hiding all the time

Easy  88% got this right

Bright eyes and active behavior indicate a happy and healthy bearded dragon.
48 random squares

What is the natural habitat of bearded dragons in the wild?

Deserts and arid scrublands

Coastal areas

Mountainous regions

Tropical rainforests

64% got this right

Bearded dragons naturally live in deserts and arid scrublands.

How do bearded dragons communicate with each other?

By changing colors and body language

By releasing scents

Through telepathy

Through vocal sounds

48% got this right

Bearded dragons communicate by changing colors and using body language.