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Finish the lyrics

(311 votes)
12 questions

Listen to the clip until it stops, then pick the phrase that follows IMMEDIATELY after.


Finish the lyrics

So call me maybe

Please call me baby

Please call me lady

So call me baby

59% got this right

So call me maybe

Can you finish the lyrics?

We're going to Ibiza

We're going to eat pizza

We're gonna have a party

We're gonna have a pizza

43% got this right

We're going to Ibiza

Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize for his lyrics

To be without a home?

To be all alone?

To not have a meal?

To plunder and steal?

Hard  29% got this right

To be without a home?

Finish this sweet song

I'd eat peaches every day

I don't know what to say

I pack peaches night and day

I wish I could go away

46% got this right

I'd eat peaches every day

Aaaaaaaaaaaaah. Intermission


Are you a wannabe?

You gotta get with my friends

You can't have any friends

You gotta dump your friends

You gotta sleep with my friends

71% got this right

You gotta get with my friends

This is a tricky one

Das Boot

Das Boat

Die Boot

The Boat

37% got this right

Das Boot

Finish the lyrics, still

Puffing my leafs

Fuck with the beats

Got love for the streets

Not loving police

Hard  9% got this right

Puffing my leafs

Rick and roll, finish the lyrics

And so do I

55% got this right

and so do I

Please finish the lyrics

All for themselves, after all

Everything counts in large amounts

Everything they can get

It's a competitive world

Hard  33% got this right

All for themselves, after all

Thanks for playing!