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Locations in Songs

(53 votes)
6 questions

In their 1986 hit, The Bangles encouraged listeners to walk like a person from this country.

Hard  34% got this right

The song was inspired by people on a ferry walking awkwardly to keep their balance.

According to this song, which country shouldn't "cry for me"?

Hard  31% got this right

"Don't Cry For Me Argentina" was written and composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice for the musical "Evita."

Where is the hidden treasure chest, according to this song?

Hard  14% got this right

George Ezra's song, "Budapest" opens with the lyrics "My house in Budapest, my My hidden treasure chest."

According to this song, where does Miley Cyrus want to party?

75% got this right

Miley's "Party In The U.S.A." video was inspired by the movie "Grease."

Where is Shawn Mendes lost?

Hard  28% got this right

Shawn Mendes was inspired to write this song by a dream.

Which country made a big "mistaica"?

Hard  19% got this right

Jimmy Buffett's "Jamaica Mistaica" chronicles the time Jamaican authorities confused his plane for a drug-runner's.