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Some Idioms

(226 votes)
12 questions
Number 3

What does 'The best of both worlds' mean?

Enjoy two things at the same time

Be in two places at once

Do two jobs

Have a lot of spare time

65% got this right

This idiom means you can enjoy two different opportunities at the same time.

What does 'Speak of the devil' mean?

The person you’re talking about appears

Discussing a problem

Mentioning a bad event

Talking about someone evil

54% got this right

This idiom is used when the person you’re talking about actually turns up at that moment.

What does 'Once in a blue moon' mean?

An event that happens infrequently

A monthly occurrence

A rare astronomical event

Something that never happens

48% got this right

This idiom refers to an event that happens very rarely.

What does 'When pigs fly' mean?

Something that will never happen

A surprising event

An impossible event

Something that happens rarely

Hard  21% got this right

This idiom is used to describe something that will never happen.

What does 'To cost an arm and a leg' mean?

Something is very expensive

Something is very cheap

Something is very rare

Something is very valuable

63% got this right

This idiom means that something is very expensive.

What does 'A piece of cake' mean?

Something is very easy

Something is very difficult

Something is very enjoyable

Something is very sweet

79% got this right

This idiom means that something is very easy to do.

What does 'Let the cat out of the bag' mean?

To accidentally reveal a secret

To hide something

To release an animal

To surprise someone

67% got this right

This idiom means to accidentally reveal a secret.

What does 'To feel under the weather' mean?

To not feel well

To be affected by the weather

To be in a bad mood

To be very busy

47% got this right

This idiom means to not feel well.

What does 'To kill two birds with one stone' mean?

To solve two problems at once

To achieve something difficult

To do something quickly

To make a big effort

80% got this right

This idiom means to solve two problems at once.

What does 'To cut corners' mean?

To do something badly or cheaply

To avoid work

To save time

To take a shortcut

Hard  17% got this right

This idiom means to do something badly or cheaply.

What does 'To add insult to injury' mean?

To make a situation worse

To hurt someone physically

To insult someone

To make a mistake

68% got this right

This idiom means to make a situation worse.

What does 'You can’t judge a book by its cover' mean?

To not judge based on appearance

To judge someone quickly

To make a quick decision

To read a book thoroughly

66% got this right

This idiom means to not judge someone or something based solely on appearance.