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10 questions
Which flower is most commonly given on Valentine's Day in the Philippines?
In which country do women traditionally give chocolates to men on Valentine's Day?
Traditional Filipino festival held in Bulacan where couples dance to pray for fertility and a happy marriage?
In the Philippines, what famous landmark is known for romantic walks and couples visiting on Valentine’s Day?
21% got this right
True or False: The first Valentine's Day card was commercially printed in the U.S. in 1841.
28% got this right
In what century did the practice of sending Valentine's cards become popular?
30% got this right
How many roses are typically given to represent a romantic gesture on Valentine's Day symbolizing love and appreciation
In which country did the tradition of sending Valentine’s Day cards originate?
22% got this right
Which Filipino tradition involves serenading someone with a love song, often on Valentine’s Day?
The Greek god known as the god of love, often depicted with a bow and arrow?