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What type of volcano is this?

(28 votes)
10 questions
Directions: Name the type of volcano being described for each statement. Choose the correct type from the options provided.

I am known for less explosive eruptions and extensive lava flows, resulting in a broad, shield-like shape.

Shield volcano

Cinder Cone volcano

Composite volcano

36% got this right


I am characterized by a nearly perfect sloped structure.

Composite volcano

Cinder Cone volcano

Shield volcano

Hard  23% got this right


I am characterized by a narrow base, steep slope, and explosive eruptions. What type of volcano am I?

Cinder Cone volcano

Composite volcano

Shield volcano

76% got this right


I am formed by the accumulation of runny lava, creating a broad, slightly domed structure. What type of volcano am I?

Shield Volcano

Cinder Cone volcano

Composite Volcano

Hard  29% got this right


I am formed by the accumulation of ejected lava fragments, creating a narrow base and steep slope.

Cinder Cone volcano

Composite volcano

Shield volcano

Hard  30% got this right


I am formed from alternate solidification of lava and cinders, creating a large and symmetrical slope.

Composite volcano

Cinder Cone volcano

Shield volcano

66% got this right


I am formed by the accumulation of runny lava, allowing it to travel farther from the crater before cooling.

Shield volcano

Cinder Cone volcano

Composite volcano

51% got this right


I am the most abundant of the three major volcano types and have explosive eruptions.

Cinder Cone volcano

Composite volcano

Shield volcano

49% got this right


I have a broad, slightly domed structure resembling a shield, and my eruptions are less explosive with less sticky lava.

Shield volcano

Cinder Cone volcano

Composite volcano

48% got this right


I have a wide crater, and my eruptions are explosive, with lava, rocks, cinders, and ash exploding high into the air.

Cinder Cone volcano

Composite volcano

Shield volcano

47% got this right