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Facts about Classical Composers

(20 votes)
8 questions
HardAI Generated
Test your knowledge of famous classical composers.

In which German city was Ludwig van Beethoven born?

Hard  5% got this right

Beethoven was famously deaf for the later part of his life, but composed his most prolific music despite the disability

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died in which city?

Hard  29% got this right

Mozart was born in Salzburg, which is now in Austria.

Frédéric Chopin was a famous composer from which country?

Hard  24% got this right

Chopin was a sad boi

Czech composer Antonín Dvořák wrote his 9th symphony while abroad in this country

Hard  12% got this right

This symphony is sweet, you all should listen to it.

Johann Sebastian Bach famously walked over 400 miles just to hear some music. Where did he end up?

Hard  3% got this right

If you get this right I know you cheated

Which present-day country is the birthplace of Antonio Vivaldi?

55% got this right

Vivaldi was known as the red priest, due to his curly red hair

Composer Alberto Ginastera was from which country?

Hard  5% got this right

Ginastera died in Geneva, Switzerland in 1983

What country is Claude Debussy from?

55% got this right