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Crack the Code: Abbreviation Quiz Challenge!

(100 votes)
10 questions
Test your knowledge of commonly used abbreviations with this fun and engaging quiz! Are you ready to crack the code? Let’s get started!

What does the abbreviation "ASAP" stand for?

As Soon As Possible

Advanced Systems and Automation Protocol

Always Seek Alternate Paths

Assess, Strategize, Act, Plan

Easy  82% got this right


In the world of emails, what does "CC" stand for?

Carbon Copy

Communication Channel

Copy Center

Creative Commons

43% got this right


What does "DIY" mean in crafting and home improvement?

Do It Yourself

Deliver It Yourself

Destroy It Yourself

Do It Your Way

58% got this right


What is the full form of "NASA"?

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

National Aerospace and Space Association

National Astronomical and Space Agency

National Aviation and Space Authority

40% got this right


What does "ETA" commonly stand for in transportation or communication?

Estimated Time of Arrival

Effective Transit Administration

Electronic Travel Authorization

Extra-Terrestrial Aircraft

57% got this right


What does the abbreviation "FAQ" mean on websites?

Frequently Asked Questions

Fast Access Quality

Frequent Acronym Queries

Frequent Answered Quizzes

65% got this right


In text messaging, what does "BRB" stand for?

Be Right Back

Bathroom Break

Before Returning Back

Best Regards Buddy

Easy  85% got this right


What does "PIN" stand for in banking?

Personal Identification Number

Permanent Identification Name

Private Insertion Name

Protected Information Notation

79% got this right


What does "UNICEF" stand for?

United Nations Children's Fund

United Nations Childcare and Education Foundation

United Network for Child Empowerment

Universal Children's Empowerment Fund

Hard  8% got this right


What does "RIP" stand for in memorial contexts?

Rest in Peace

Really Important Person

Relief in Passing

Rot in Perdition

Easy  89% got this right