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Game of Thrones Trivia

(138 votes)
11 questions
Test your knowledge of Westeros and beyond with these trivia questions!

What is the sigil of House Stark?

A Direwolf

A Dragon

A Lion

A Stag

62% got this right

The direwolf, the Stark sigil, is actually based on a real, extinct species!

What is the name of Daenerys Targaryen's first dragon?





51% got this right

Drogon, the largest of Daenerys' dragons, is named after one of her deceased husbands, Khal Drogo.

What is the Wall made of?





61% got this right

Whispers claim ancient sorcery binds the Wall, making it impregnable.

What is the nick-name for Jaime Lannister?

The Kingslayer

The Darkslayer

The Mountain cutter

The imp

80% got this right

Jaime Lannister was originally planned as a full-blown villain.

What is the name of the mysterious figure who guides Bran Stark?

The Three-Eyed Raven / Bloodraven

The Lord of Light

The Night King

The Old Gods

74% got this right

Bloodraven has the ability not only to see through the eyes of the Weirwood trees, he has the ability to send dreams

Who said the famous line, "Winter is Coming"?

Eddard Stark

Jon Snow

Daenerys Targaryen

Tyrion Lannister

52% got this right

There are two different dates when winter could be said to begin referring to the Meteorological or Astronomical winter

What is the name of the brotherhood Jon Snow joins beyond the Wall?

The Night's Watch

The Second Sons

The Dothraki

The Kingsguard

72% got this right

Night gathers, and now my watch begins

What is the name of the weapon used by the White Walkers?

Ice Spear

Dothraki Arakh


Valyrian Steel Sword

71% got this right

White Walkers were originally created to protect the Children of the Forest, but they eventually turned on their creator

What is the name of the three dragons Daenerys Targaryen hatches?

Drogon, Viserion, Rhaegal

Balerion, Meraxes, Vhagar

Rhaegal, Sheepstealer, Moondancer

Vermithor, Drogon, Cannibal

Easy  82% got this right

Dragons in Game of Thrones can keep growing their entire lives!

What is the name of the Red Wedding, a pivotal event marked by betrayal and bloodshed?

The Purple Wedding

The Battle of Blackwater Bay

The Red Comet's Appearance

The Sack of King's Landing

Hard  22% got this right

Joffrey Baratheon was actually modeled after the real-life Roman Emperor Caligula, known for his cruelty and sadism

Who is the confessor in the video?

Tyrion Lannister

Bran Stark

Jon Snow

Petyr Baelish

73% got this right

Tyrion Lannister is actually a bookworm! Despite his tough exterior, he's incredibly intelligent and loves reading. 📚