US Presidents

(52 votes)
11 questions
7 min duration
How well do you know US presidents?
Who was the youngest elected president?

Who was the youngest elected president?

John F. Kennedy

Barack Obama

James Buchanan

Jimmy Carter

45% got this right

JFK was 43 years, 7 months at inauguration. Roosevelt was younger — but was promoted after McKinley's assassination.
Which president was the first to be sworn in by his nickname?

Which president was the first to be sworn in by his nickname?

Jimmy Carter

Harry S. Truman

Joe Biden

Theodore Roosevelt

Hard  28% got this right

Born James Earl Carter Jr., he was sworn in as “Jimmy.”
What number president was Abraham Lincoln?

What number president was Abraham Lincoln?


Hard  14% got this right

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States, serving from 1861 until his assassination in 1865.
Which US state is named after the first president?

Which US state is named after the first president?


40% got this right

Washington is the only U.S. state named after a president.
Who was the 18th President of the US, serving from 1869-1877, following his role as a Union general in the Civil War?
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Who was the 18th President of the US, serving from 1869-1877, following his role as a Union general in the Civil War?

Ulysses S. Grant

Andrew Johnson

James A. Garfield

Rutherford B. Hayes

44% got this right

Grant's face appears on the US $50 bill since 1913!
Which US president had split terms, meaning they served 4 years, left, and were reelected 4 years later?

Which US president had split terms, meaning they served 4 years, left, and were reelected 4 years later?

Grover Cleveland

Franklin D. Roosevelt

James A. Garfield

Woodrow Wilson

Hard  20% got this right

The first Democrat elected after the Civil War in 1885, Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th president.
Who was the longest-serving US president?

Who was the longest-serving US president?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Richard Nixon

Ulysses S. Grant

William Henry Harrison

52% got this right

Franklin D. Roosevelt was in office 4,422 days and is the only president to have served more than two terms.
How many days was the shortest presidency?

How many days was the shortest presidency?


50% got this right

William Henry Harrison, the 9th president, was the first U.S. president to die in office.
Which fruit tree did US President George Washington allegedly chop down as a young boy?
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Which fruit tree did US President George Washington allegedly chop down as a young boy?





36% got this right

Did you know? George Washington's famous cherry tree story was actually a myth created by his biographer!
Which of these men is often mistakenly believed to have served as US President due to his significant role in history?

Which of these men is often mistakenly believed to have served as US President due to his significant role in history?

Alexander Hamilton

James Madison

John Laurens

Thomas Jefferson

38% got this right

Alexander Hamilton is the only US founding father who was not a president but is featured on currency.
BONUS: What year did "Hamilton" win the Tony Award for Best Musical?
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BONUS: What year did "Hamilton" win the Tony Award for Best Musical?


Hard  7% got this right

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on the same day – July 4, 1826!