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Professions - Rearrange the Sentence
(134 votes)
30 questions
Rearrange the words below!
Rearrange the words below!
83% got this right
Rearrange the words below!
87% got this right
Rearrange the words below!
88% got this right
Rearrange the words below!
89% got this right
Rearrange the words below!
90% got this right
Rearrange the words below!
92% got this right
Rearrange the words below!
91% got this right
Rearrange the words below!
91% got this right
Rearrange the words below!
91% got this right
An ........ makes a house design.
86% got this right
A ........ does business.
87% got this right
A ........ makes dress design.
88% got this right
An ........ writes stories.
88% got this right
A ........ flies commercial planes .
89% got this right
A ........ catches criminals.
91% got this right
An ........ plays characters like princess or heroines.
92% got this right
A ........ works for the president.
92% got this right
A ........ presents news or shows on TV.
93% got this right
A ........ takes care of sick animals.
94% got this right
A ........ takes stunning photos.
95% got this right
A ........ grows fruits and vegetables.
96% got this right
A ........ shares content.
96% got this right
A ........ defends the country.
97% got this right
A ........ makes games and app.
96% got this right
A ........ defends the clients.
97% got this right
A ........ teaches university students.
97% got this right
A ........ lead trials in a court room.
97% got this right
A ........ makes music and sings songs.
98% got this right
97% got this right