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Christmas Time is Fun Time !!!
(233 votes)
12 questions
Quiz on Christmas
Which real life person is Santa Claus based on?
What is Frosty the Snowman's nose made of ?
82% got this right

12 random squares
In the movie "Home Alone," what city is the McCallister family planning to visit when they leave Kevin behind?
The first company that used Santa Claus in advertisement is?
Which country is credited with starting the Christmas tree tradition ?
What is traditionally hidden inside a Christmas Pudding ?
What do people traditionally place on top of a Christmas Tree ?
In which country is it a tradition to eat KFC for Christmas dinner?
30% got this right
What animated 2004 film is about a train that carries kids to the North Pole on Christmas Eve?
Which famous scientist was born on Christmas Day in 1642??
27% got this right
If you are born on Christmas day, what is your Star sign?
How do you say "Merry Christmas" in Spanish?