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Christmas at Hogwarts

(236 votes)
9 questions
How well do you know the Harry Potter series at Christmastime? These questions combine book and movie knowledge!

What did Harry receive for Christmas during his first year at Hogwarts?

The cloak of invisibility

A journal

Polyjuice potion

The Marauder's Map

71% got this right

For Christmas, Harry received his late father's Cloak of Invisibility from Albus Dumbledore.

Who teaches Harry to play Wizard Chess during his first Christmas at Hogwarts?





56% got this right

It's"exactly like Muggle chess except that the figures were alive, which made it a lot like directing troops in battle."

Who does Harry see in the Mirror of Erised?

His parents

His one true love

His success


79% got this right

Dumbledore advised Harry to stop, warning him that people had gone mad by living in dreams, and moved the Mirror.

Hermione's polyjuice potion got mixed up. Who or what did she become?

A cat

An owl

Millicent Bulstrode

Vincent Crabbe

70% got this right

Hermione accidentally added a hair sample from Bulstrode's cat, resulting in her partially transforming into a cat.

What did Harry receive for Christmas during his third Christmas at Hogwarts?

A Firebolt

A locket

An owl

The cloak of invisibility

46% got this right

Sirius Black sent the broomstick, but everyone believed him to be a murderer out for Harry.

In Half-Blood Prince, what was The Fat Lady's festive password?



Fairy Lights


Hard  31% got this right

Fairy Lights was a password in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Why doesn't Professor Trelawny want to join Christmas Dinner in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban?

She would be the 13th

It's only for students

She already ate

There's no room

55% got this right

According to Trelawney, when 13 people are at the table, the first person to rise will be the first to die.

Who was Hermione's date to the 1994 Yule Ball?

Viktor Krum

Cedric Diggory

Harry Potter

Ron Weasley

59% got this right

In the book, Hermione's gown was periwinkle blue.

Where do Harry and Hermione go on Christmas Eve in Deathly Hallows Part 1?

Godric's Hollow


Malfoy Manor

The Weasley's

47% got this right

Hermione Granger: "Harry, I think it’s Christmas Eve!" Harry Potter: "Is it?" Hermione Granger: "I'm sure it is."