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Complete the Lyrics: TikTok Trending Songs

(222 votes)
6 questions

So if I do not find somebody soon...

I'll blow up into smithereens

I'll be alone forever

I'll just go eat some cheese

I'll play a tiny violin

50% got this right

World's Smallest Violin by AJR was released in 2021, but went viral on TikTok in 2022.

Yeah, I look good in my Versace dress, but I'm hotter when...

My morning hair's a mess

In a Forever21 dress

When I spend less

Without all the stress

62% got this right

Meghan Trainor says "Made You Look" was inspired by her insecurities about body image after pregnancy.

I got my head out the sunroof...

I'm blasting our favorite tunes

I hope you drive safely

You're making me feel brand new

You're more than the sunshine

57% got this right

Sunroof by Nicky Youre & dazy was the #1 song on TikTok in the UK in 2022.

Where does the old man live?


Los Angeles


New York City

Hard  32% got this right

The girl Jax babysits for inspired her to write "Victoria's Secret."

My money don't jiggle, jiggle, it folds, I like to see you...

Wiggle, wiggle


Giggle, giggle


77% got this right

Jiggle Jiggle by Duke & Jones & Louis Theroux has been used in more than 6.6 million TikTok videos.

In a minute I'ma need a sentimental...

Man or woman to pump me up

Friend from high school to say hi

Girl I was or used to be

One to get up, one to get down

67% got this right

Jaeden Gomez created the viral TikTok dance to Lizzo's "About Damn Time."