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Math Grade 2
(223 votes)
15 questions
All about Grade 2 Math
Which number is bigger: 25 or 30?
87% got this right
Put these numbers in order from smallest to biggest: 18, 12, 22, 15.
Are 47 and 47 the same or different?
87% got this right
Arrange these numbers in a line from the biggest to the smallest: 36, 24, 40, 15.
Which number is larger: 55 or 60?
86% got this right
Which number is greater: 39 or 93?
88% got this right
Place these numbers in order from smallest to biggest: 8, 4, 12, 6.
Do you think 85 and 85 are the same or different?
91% got this right
Is 100 bigger or smaller than 99?
86% got this right
Arrange these numbers from biggest to smallest: 28, 35, 20, 15.
Which number is smaller: 72 or 78?
10% got this right
Arrange these numbers from biggest to smallest: 50, 60, 45, 55.
Are 33 and 33 the same or different?
90% got this right
Place these numbers in order from smallest to biggest: 10, 5, 15, 8.
81% got this right