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Olympics Quiz
(53 votes)
11 questions
Which sport was introduced at the Sydney 2000 Olympics?
20% got this right
Who sings the official song for the 2024 Australian Olympic team?
Locate the country where the Olympic Torch is officially lit before every Games
32% got this right
How many Paralympic gold medals has Dylan Alcott won?
Which celebrity was NOT spotted watching the US Women's Gymnastics team compete in Paris?
17% got this right
Who won Australia's first gold medal of the Paris Olympic Games?
21% got this right
Paris is the second city to host the Summer Olympic Games three times. Who else has done it?
28% got this right
What is the nickname of Australia's badminton team?
26% got this right
Jessica Fox was born in which French city?
Select the three features the floating Olympic Village in Tahiti has on offer for surfers
12% got this right