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Logical Fallacies πŸ“šπŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“πŸ”

(60 votes)
15 questions
There are are many types of fallacy in human discourse! Can you answer these questions based on logical argumentation!? 😱 I hope you can! πŸ˜–

A fallacy is the use of in-valid or otherwise faulty reasoning in the construction of an argument. All forms of human communication can contain fallacies.


"Life is life and fun is fun, but it's all so quiet when the goldfish die." This is an example of:

A non-sequitur

A haiku

A modal fallacy

An equivocation

HardΒ Β 24% got this right

In everyday speech, a non sequitur is a statement in which the final part is totally unrelated to the first part.

A lot of people cheat on geo so Pospos probably cheats too.

Appeal to probability

Argument from fallacy

Argument to moderation

Conjunction fallacy

44% got this right

Appeal to probability: the logical fallacy of taking something for granted because it is possibly the case.

Linda is 31 years old, single, outspoken, and very bright. She majored in philosophy. As a student, she was deeply concerned with issues of discrimination and social justice, and also participated in anti-nuclear demonstrations.


Which is more probable about Linda?

Linda is a bank teller

Linda is a bank teller and is active in the feminist movement

HardΒ Β 35% got this right

Conjunction fallacy: The probability of 2 events occurring together is always ≀ the probability of either one occurring.

"All cats are animals. Ginger is an animal. Therefore, Ginger is a cat." Is Ginger a cat or not?

We can't tell



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Argument from fallacy: analysing an argument and inferring that, since it contains a fallacy, it's conclusion is false.

If Alice thought she saw 5 sheep and Bob thinks he saw 7, how many sheep were there?

We can't tell




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If you chose 6, that is the Argument to moderation fallacy which assumes middle points must be correct.

Which informal fallacy are the "Left field theorists" using here?

Divine fallacy

Fallacy of composition

Historian's fallacy

Lump of labour fallacy

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Divine fallacy: Saying that because something is so amazing, it must be the result of divine or supernatural involvement

"Since only man is rational. And no woman is a man. No woman is rational." Does this argument make logical sense?



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It is an example of Equivocation: where a term with different meanings (man), is used interchangeably. Man = humans/men

"People have known for 1000s of years that the earth is round. Thus, the earth is round." What is this an example of?

Begging the question

Bedding the question

Breving the guess Sean

Questioning the beggar

HardΒ Β 32% got this right

Begging the question is an informal fallacy that occurs when an argument's premises assume the truth of the conclusion.

Phones dry more quickly when exposed to airflow, as opposed to being placed in a tub of rice or any other dessicant. In fact rice is the least effective dessicant you could possibly choose.


In refuting the subsequent argument, which of the following statements represents a Straw man argument?

Putting a phone outside in the wind and rain to dry is a terrible idea!

Dessicants are hygroscopic, the opposite of humectants

Phones were made by Aliens in the future and sent back to Earth in 2004

Silica gel might be a better option than rice

44% got this right

A Straw man argument is where an argument is misrepresented in order to present it as being false.

You flip a coin 20 times and every time it lands on HEADS. What are the chances of it landing on HEADS on the next flip?

1 in 2

1 in 2,097,152

1 in 20

1 in 21

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Gambler's fallacy: a belief that if something has occurred less than expected, it is more likely to happen in the future

Dickie: "2+2=4 quick mafs!" Which of the following represent an Ad hominem argument in response to Dickie's statement?

Have you seen Dickie? He clearly wets his pants most streams

Define 2 and define + and define 4

Dickie plus home ownership equals an addictive offer

The world is a social construct and numbers are dream orbs

HardΒ Β 24% got this right

Ad hominem arguments seek to undermine an opposing argument by attacking the character of the person making the argument

Mettmaster1510 is a medical doctor; he believes that singing can heal the rectum. Can singing heal the rectum?

We don't know



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An argument from authority fallacy: the opinion of an authority figure is used as evidence to support an argument.